I'm from the Wild Isles

I'm from the Wild Isles

We came to Canada almost 30 years ago but I'm originally from England and was really excited to see the new series 'Wild Isles" about nature in the UK.  David Attenborough is a national treasure in the UK and it's really fantastic that his last series is actually at home. Some of the visuals are stunning and at the end of each episode they discuss how they got some of the film. Looks like the series will be aired on Prime starting April 21st, for those of us that don't have the BBC.

If you had asked me earlier I would have said England has no more wildlife than squirrels and crows. It is a little sad to hear how the wildlife and rivers have been decimated.  England should be a cautionary tale for Canada.

I've start working on a Wild Isles collection.  Puffins and whales and badgers, oh my!



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